Course Content
L1: Algorithm Decomposition and Abstraction
In this topic we will focus on the definition of: - Algorithm - Decomposition - Abstraction You will also decompose and develop abstraction from given problems.
L2: Developing Algorithms using Pseudocode
L3: Developing Algorithm using flowcharts
L4: Linear and Binary Search
L5: Bubble Sort
L6: Merge Sort
L7: Assessment
8525 Unit 1: Fundamentals of Algorithm – COMING SOON
About Lesson

Lesson 05: Bubble Sort

Specification Points Addressed in this lesson:

  • Understand and explain how the bubble sort algorithm works.

1. Bubble Sort

The bubble sort is one of the most straightforward sorting algorithms to explain and code. The algorithm is outlined below:

  • Start at the beginning of the list
  • Compare adjacent items; if they are out of order, then swap them
  • Keep comparing adjacent items for the entire list (one pass)
  • Do more passes until no swaps are made in a pass

This is the pseudo-code for the bubble sort algorithm.

SUBROUTINE bubbleSort()
    swap ← TRUE
    WHILE (swap)
        swap ← FALSE
        FOR i ← 0 TO LEN(array) -1
            IF (array[i] > array[i+1]) THEN
                temp ← array[i]
                array[i] ← array[i+1]
                array[i+1] ← temp
                swap ← TRUE

The algorithms first create a boolean variable called swap and assign the value TRUE to the variable. This is then followed by a WHILE loop with a condition of swap. Since swap was assigned to TRUE, the WHILE loop must be executed at least once.

In the WHILE loop, swap is immediately assigned to FALSE; then, a FOR loop is used to iterate over the list and compare adjacent elements. If the elements are out of order, they are swapped around with the help of a variable called temp. Once a swap is made, the variable swap is reassigned to TRUE – to ensure that the WHILE loop is repeated at least once more.


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