Course Content
01 Communication Methods
How is data transmitted across a network?
02 Communication Basics
What are the factors that affect data transmission?
03 Network Topology
How are topologies commonly used in networks today?
04 Types of Networking between hosts
What are peer-to-peer and client-server networks?
05 Wireless Networking (Part 1)
How are wireless networks built?
06 Wireless Networking (Part 2)
How do wireless networks operate?
07 The Internet and how it works (Part 1)
How is the internet structured?
08 The Internet and how it works (Part 2)
How are resources located on the internet?
09 Internet Security (Part 1)
How do internet security techniques operate?
10 Internet Security (Part 2)
How is the internet threatened and how can it be better protected?
Fundamentals of Communication and Networking – COMING SOON
About Lesson

The TCP/IP Stack Revisited

The four-layer of the TCP/IP stack are:

  • Application – Network processes and application
  • Transport – Inter-host communication, break data into packets
  • Network – Route packets through the network
  • Link – Access to the network

On the sending end, each layer prepends header information and the corresponding layer on the receiving end take off, interpret and make sense of the pre-pended data.

Data going down the stack and each layer adding header data.

Tcp/ip stack down the stack

The data is then transmitted on the physical medium

The tcp/ip stack bits on the link layer

The corresponding layer on the receiving end reads and act on the header information 

Packet traversing the the stack

Creating this virtual inter-layer communication

Virtual layer to layer communication


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